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Showing posts from September, 2019

Tool Isolation in Adobe Illustrator

There's nothing worse than having to learn a software program by means of a textbook. Page after page of instructions gets old really quick and limits creativity. I have found a better way to engage students and strengthen technical skills. Each class, I give them an assignment that forces them to utilize various tools or program features. Illustrator Circle Challenge Instruct students to make a specific-sized document (we used 5" x 5"). Their layout can contain only circles/ovals using the ellipse tool in Illustrator. By isolating tools, you are forcing your students to go in depth with shape, color, size, arrangements, and so on. More importantly, you are challenging them. Only allow them one class period and we always share our creations. By Ashley Turman By Kevin Dawson By Caroline Pollock By Nicholas Woods By Kendall Cooke